First and foremost: Happy New Year to all! Let’s talk about goals!
I don’t really make any resolutions during the New Year, however I like to set goals. My goals for the year. This year I figured my first post should be those goals.
- Save money: i.e. limit my Target trips to every other week instead of twice a week!
Limit my Starbucks consumption.Who am I kidding? I have to be realistic here!- Not diet or try to lose weight but try my best to be healthier. Cut down on sweets, but seriously I can’t live my life without Oreos and Bacon- mental health is important too, and food makes me happy.
- Spend more time with my kids without the cellphone. Real quality time without distractions.
- Disneyland here we come!!!!!!! CAN’T WAIT!
- Drive less. This 2015 seriously beat me up on the road. Hope to chill out more in 2016.
- Blog more. And blog from the heart, must do more.
- Go to the beach. I want them to love the beach as much as I do! So if I have to suffer in a NY beach to make my kids love the ocean then that’s what I’ll do.
Photo credit: Rafael A. Babilonia - DE-CLUTTER. HARDCORE!
- Keep up with the laundry. hahahahahhahahahahhaha! I laugh at myself!
“GOALS: The final purpose or aim; the end to which a design tends, or which a person aims to reach or attain.
Each individual seeks a several goal. -Pope